Roof dragon and cat install on barn conversion in Kent

Roof dragon and cat install on barn conversion in Kent

This is a set of pictures taken showing two of our finials installed on a barn roof, a lovely roof dragon and a cat finial. The project was a barn conversion in a picturesque Kent village featuring a clay tiled roof and terracotta colour finials required to decorate the barn roof. The finials add a lovely feature to the roof and the colour works really well with the roof tiles. The finials look great on the barn roof from the hip end and add charm and character

The dragon design is a fleur de lis finia, the winged dragon wraps around the piece and looks really good any eye catching. The cat finial is a nice detailed half round piece and its head peeps over the ridge and looks down from the roof. The pictures don't show it well but it has lovely detailing including the fur, claws, facial features and limbs

The pictures were taken from the roadside approx 15-20 feet away and the finials really stand out and add character:

Roof dragon and cat install on barn conversion in KentView of the gable end dragon from the road

These two were taken on the approach from a different angle. There are finials installed on each opposite hip end:

Roof dragon half round on the roofBarn renovation in Kent features a dragon and a cat on the roof

The customer sourced roof finials from us because we offer a very good range and we have a large selection of roof finials and one of the largest collections to choose from. We can also produce the finials quite quickly, on average it takes us 10-14 days to produce the finials The last image was taken closer up and shows the finials on the roof:

Cat and dragon finials installed on the roof