Redland plain tile colour matched finials

Redland plain tile colour matched finials

If you need a finial to blend in well with a redland plain tile we can manufacture a bespoke finial to match the colour and the texture of the tile

redland plain tile rustic red

Colour matching option is from £15 extra

If you have searched to find a finial that has a specific colour and you can't find the colour you are looking for we can help. Special custom roof finials can be produced in a range of bespoke colours. The best colour matches are achieved when customers send us their tile samples to be colour matched

Alternate options if you have no tile sample...

We can offer colour matching to photos too but to get the closest match it would be worth sending us a physical tile sample if you have that option available

Colour matching and texture matching can be done to all  roof tile manufacturers roofing products also other potential colour matches for the redland plain tile can be the followingcolours and finishes

Possible colour matches available:

- Brown
- Antique Red
- Cotswold
- Slate Grey
- Terracotta
- Tudor Brown
- Farmhouse Red
- Breckland Brown
- Rustic Red
- Natural Red
- Hedgerow Brown
- Breckland Black

All finials in the range can be finished in bespoke colours and can be ordered via the website, contact us for further information if required

If you would like to get a colour matched roof finial done to match your tile sample please contact us and we can provide our address

Roof finial colour match group pic 1