Redland granular brown fleur de lys roof finials

Redland granular brown fleur de lys roof finials

These three fleur de lis roof finials were matched to a Redland granular brown plain roof tile 02. The Customer got in contact with us and asked if we could quote them for 3 OC4 (half round fleur final). They needed them in the colour in 02 brown (Redlands ridge tile colour to match the roof)

They had been undergoing a roof refurbishment and wanted the finials to match in with the roof tiles and the ridge tiles so that the colour on the ridge line looked uniform. They supplied the tile sample below for the colour matching:

Redland granular brown tilesRedland granular brown fleur de lys roof finials on a pallet

We replicated the colour and texture to produce some bespoke colour matched fleur de lis finials. We arranged delivery on a week day as builders were on site to sign for them. The customer was delighted with the finials and sent in a picture showing a fleur de lis finial all installed. The customer's comment was "I'll recommend your company to others, as promised... the scaffold is still up at the mo but will take a finished shot soon. Super colour match they look fab":

Redland granular brown fleur de lys roof finial installed on the roof