Pier cap ball finials

Pier cap ball finials

In addition to our range of roof finials, chimney pots, and other architectural items, we do a pier cap ball finial design that is well suited to lots of ball style pier caps

The pictures show the pier caps finished in a yellow bathstone colour but they can be finished any pretty much any colour or even painted with water based masonry paint. The pieces do not yet feature any moss or lychen but in time they do weather naturally and gracefully just like any other exterior stoneware

They are a basic but very nice design and work well to restore an architectural feature on the roof or in the garden for example. We supplied a replacement pair for a customer that had well-weathered and damaged pier caps. Ours were quite a good match for the original:

original pier cap ball finial 1200x2133

Please contact us for pricing and availability. We can also give an ETA on manufacturing and delivery time.