Marley wessex concrete tile finial colour matching

Marley wessex concrete tile finial colour matching

If you are searching for a finial that is a similar colour and style as a marley wessex concrete tile we can produce a bespoke colour matched finial

Roof finial colour matching is £15 each

When the right colour matched product isn't available anywhere else we can help. The roof finials are finished in our standard colours by default but can also be produced in just about any colour imaginable. If a customer sends us a roof tile sample for colour matching we achieve very closely matching roof finials

Other options if you don't have a tile sample to send...

We can do colour matching to pictures or when there is no physical tile sample but for the best result tends to be achieved when we have a physical sample to colour match to

Colour matching and texture matching can be done to all kinds of manufacturers products also there is of course other options for the marley wessex concrete tile

This tile is known to be finished in these range of colours:

- Smooth Brown
- Smooth Grey

Any of the pieces in the range can be done with bespoke colour matching effects and can be ordered via the website

If you would like to get a colour matched roof finial done to match your tile sample please contact us and we can provide our address

Roof finial colour match group pic 3