Marley smooth brown dragon finial colour match

Marley smooth brown dragon finial colour match

Marley smooth brownThis special colour matched dragon finial was done for a customer that had reroofed their property in Marley ashmore tiles in the smooth brown colour

The customer needed a finial for the gable end of their property to finish off the roof with a nice architectural feature. The customer supplied a fragment of one of their Ashmore smooth brown roof tiles for colour matching

As you can see the colour match is very close, we can produce bespoke finials for anything in the range so that when a piece goes on the roof it matches in near perfectly with the rest of the roof

Marley smooth brown dragon finial colour matchMarley smooth brown half round winged dragon finial colour match
half round winged dragon Marley smooth brown finial colour matchhalf round winged dragon Marley smooth brown roof finial colour match

The colour matching was based on the dragon finial below. If you would like to order the dragon finial simply choose the "buy this" option and tell us which colour finish you would like in the comments section at the end of the ordering process