Marley modern interlocking concrete tile colour matched finial

Marley modern interlocking concrete tile colour matched finial

If you need a matching finial in the same style as a marley modern interlocking concrete tile we can produce a bespoke colour matched finial to match

Marley modern roof tiles

It is only £15 extra for colour matching

If you are looking for a finial in a particular colour and cannot find one anywhere we can help customers to achieve the desired look. Bespoke roof finials can be produced in just about any colour imaginable with amazing results. If a customer sends us a roof tile sample for colour matching we achieve very closely matching roof finials

What if you don't have a roof tile sample...

Colour matching to photos or specific colours is possible but often the result is not as good as when we match to a tile sample

We colour and texture match to all ranges of roofing products also there is of course other options for the marley modern interlocking concrete tile

This variety is made in the following colours:

- Anthracite
- Antique Brown
- Mosborough Red
- Old English Dark Red
- Smooth Brown
- Smooth Grey

Any of the pieces in the range can be done with bespoke colour matching effects and can be ordered via the website

If you have a particular colour in mind or a tile sample contact us to discuss requirements and we can provide our address for sending tile samples to

Roof finial colour match group pic 3