Marley duo modern interlocking tile colour matched finial

Marley duo modern interlocking tile colour matched finial

If you need a finial to match in well with a marley duo modern interlocking tile we can produce a bespoke colour matched finial

It is only £15 extra for colour matching

If you need a certain colour to match your sample and you have searched everywhere to no avail we can help. Tailor made roof finials can be manufactured in a wide range of bespoke colours. We can do colour matching to pictures but better results are achieved when we match to a physical tile sample

Alternate options if you have no tile sample...

We can do colour matching to pictures or when there is no physical tile sample but for the best result tends to be achieved when we have a physical sample to colour match to

We colour and texture match to all kinds of manufacturers products also other potential colour matches for the marley duo modern interlocking tile

This type of roof tile is manufactured in a range of colours:

Old English Dark Red & Smooth Grey

Any of the pieces in the range can be done with bespoke colour matching effects and can be ordered via the website

If you have tile sample that you would like to send us please contact us so that we can provide our address details

Roof finial colour match group pic 4