Marley ashdowne clay tile colour matched finials

Marley ashdowne clay tile colour matched finials

If you are looking to source a roof finial in a similar colour as a marley ashdowne clay tile we can manufacture a bespoke piece to match


The picture above was a special colour match piece based on a customers tile sample that was sent to us for colour matching

Colour matching option is from £15 extra

If you need a certain colour to match your sample and you have searched everywhere to no avail we can help. Custom roof finials can be colour matched to samples or requirements with excellent results. If you need a really close colour match why not send us your tile sample or even a small fragment so that we can match directly to the physical sample

If you don't have a roof tile sample to send...

We can offer colour matching to your photos too but to get the closest match it would be worth sending us a physical tile sample if you have that option available

Special colour matching effects can be replicated on all ranges of roofing products. The marley ashdowne clay tile is known to be produced in several colours and on each we can reproduce pieces with similar colours:

- Melford
- Ashurst
- Aylesham
- Aylesham Mix

Any of the pieces in the range can be done with bespoke colour matching effects and can be ordered via the website

To send us a tile sample, please contact us and we will provide the address to send tile samples to us direct