Lord mayor’s pavilion in Cork finials

Lord mayor’s pavilion in Cork finials

There is a beautiful building in Fitzgerald Park in Cork called the Lord Mayor’s Pavilion. It was built in 1902 and has been recently refurbished by Cork City Council

Lord mayor’s pavilion in Cork

Cork City Council were doing a renovation project on the building and were restoring the architectural features to their former glory. The building originally featured 4 large curved leaf finials on each hip end section of the roof but the finial crests had disappeared long ago leaving just the finial bases on each hip end

Lord mayor’s pavilion in Cork roof before restorationLord mayor’s pavilion in Cork roof missing finial crest

The architect had an original black and white photo showing what the finial crests originally looked like and asked if we could recreate the crest to preserve the original architectural look and detail of the building

Historical photo of Lord mayor’s pavilion in Cork

We provided an estimate for sculpturing a compatible finial crest to one of the orginal finial bases and then producing 4 replica finials. A finial base was sent to the workshop and from original old digital photos and specifications we got to work on moulding a suitable finial crest to go with the original base so that we could create a master finial to make a mould from:

Lord mayor’s pavilion in Cork roof finial restorationLord mayor’s pavilion in Cork roof finial clay restoration

A compatible finial crest head was sculptured specially for the original base in a close style to the original and we submitted the photos to the architect for approval. We was elighted to hear that the architect liked the design so we proceeded with the mould making phase:

Lord mayor’s pavilion in Cork roof finial moulding

The pic above shows the inner rubber silicon mould being made. When the silicon dries the outer rubber silicon mould is made:

Lord mayor’s pavilion in Cork roof finial outer moulding

Once the mould is encased in fibreglass and fully dries the pouring of the replicas can begin. The pics below show the final finials done with a smooth finish and colour matched as close as possible to base colour of the original finial base to match in with the roof when they are installed on the pavilion

finished finials for Lord mayor’s pavilion in Cork

finished finial for Lord mayor’s pavilion in Corkfinished roof finial for Lord mayor’s pavilion in Cork