Hand painted hawk finial

Hand painted hawk finial

This custom hand painted hawk roof finial was commissioned for a customer with a keen interest in Hawks and other birds of prey

The requirements for the piece included hand painting the hawk finial from a picture using several colours so that the end results looks as life like as possible. In addition the piece needed two countersunk 8mm holes drilled with a grommet on either side of the ridge tile at a 30-35 degree angle to maintain structural strength. The piece was to be fitted to a wooden roofing structure so the 4 holes in addition to the cement ensures a stronger fixing

This Hawk finial is among the finest pieces that have been produced. We can hand paint a number of products in the range. Pricing varies depending on the finial, please contact us if you would like a quote for a custom hand painted finial

Hand painted hawk finialHand painted hawk roof finial