Clay celtic pantile finial colour match
If you are searching for a finial that is is a similar colour as a clay celtic pantile we can manufacture a bespoke finial to match
Colour matched pieces cost £15 each
When the right colour matched product isn't available anywhere else we can help. Special custom roof finials can be produced in a range of bespoke colours. To achieve a close colour match we would advise a customer to send us a physical tile sample if possible
If you don't have a roo tile sample available...
We can offer colour matching to photos too but to get the closest match it would be worth sending us a physical tile sample if you have that option available
Colour sample matching can be replicated on all different types of roofing products also there is of course other options for the clay celtic pantile
Possible colour matches available:
- Textrue, colour and weathering details replicated on finials to make closely matched pieces
You can order colour matching for any of the pieces via the website or contact us for further information
Contact us regarding your tile sample or requirements and we can send our address to recieve your tile sample for colour matching